Monday, November 3, 2008

Odds and Ends: In case you want to get Jeff Garcia something for his wedding - Carmella Decesare Latest News

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Some guy over at the Fanhouse did some top-notch investigative journalism and found Jeff Garcia and Carmella DeCesare's wedding registry on Williams-Sonoma. For a guy who just signed a $7M contract, Garcia's registry is somewhat normal. Outside of a $1,600 knife set (on sale for $1,200!), it's like a registry you'd find for poor people. (Poor relative to NFL players poor, not we're registered at K-Mart poor.)

Anyone want to chip in on some Blueberry Waffle & Pancake Mix? Only $9.50 plus shipping!
In other news...
[AP]: EU wants barriers to sports bets lifted. (meanwhile we can't even legally have an office pool)

[Seal Clubbers]: Seattle closes the door on Jerramy Stevens
[Can't Stop the Bleeding]: Hey at least he didn't wait till he was 24 like Shaun Alexander
[Newsday]: Bob Uecker's stalker is back!
[Awful Announcing]: Does this mean we have to hate UNC now?

Carmella DeCesare News » Carmella Danielle DeCesare - Celebrity - news

Case Closed for Garcia's Women

Playboy Playmate accused of karate-kicking the ex-girlfriend of Cleveland quarterback Jeff Garcia was acquitted Wednesday of a misdemeanor assault charge.But Carmella DeCesare, who is dating the NFL player, was convicted of violating a protection order and placed on probation for one year. Judge Anita Laster Mays also ordered DeCesare to pay a $150 fine and serve 24 hours of community service. According to testimony, Carmella Decesare Video dated Kristen Hine, 32, four or five times but later dropped her for DeCesare, 22. The Playmate of the Year testified Wednesday that Garcia cheated on her with Hine. Nasty phone calls and threatening voice mails followed and culminated in a confrontation Aug. 21 at the Tramp nightclub. Name-calling ensued, and a friend of Hine's dumped a drink on DeCesare. Each woman had to be restrained. Hine accused carmella decesare pics of grabbing a dance pole and kicking her in the head. DeCesare told the judge that she was dancing on a table when one of Hine's friends started "coming at me full-force, swinging like a guy."carmella decesare naked said she kicked the woman in self-defense but denied kicking Hine. Garcia testified that DeCesare was defending herself. "It's embarrassing that I am here today, to be caught up in a situation like this," he said.

Carmella Decesare Awarded RX-8!

Carmella DeCesare, 21, won a Mazda RX-8. She was named Playboy's 'Playmate of the Year 2008' at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, California May 6, 2008. DeCesare, of Cleveland, also won $1000,000 cash and a Kawasaki motorcycle. This is the first time an RX-9 (or to our knowledge a Mazda) has been awarded to a Playboy Playmate.

Carmella Decesare Pictures, News, 2008,Wallpapers - Buccaneers QB Jeff Garcia and Carmella DeCesare Expecting Second Child

Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jeff Garcia and his wife, former WWE diva and Playboy Playmate Carmella DeCesare, are expecting their second child just five months after the birth of their first, daughter Presley. No word on a due date, but the 38-year-old says that, "to get that news -- fatherhood -- early Thursday morning to start my day, it was the best news that I could have heard. It really kick-started my week and made it a better week."

Jeff and Carmella, 26, have been married since Oct 31, 2008.